Your menstrual cycle is a vital sign, just like your pulse, temperature, respiratory rate, and blood pressure — and it provides you with essential information about your health.

Fertility Awareness Mastery is right for you because...

You're ready to ditch the hormones for good and use fertility awareness as your primary birth control method

You're ready, to optimize your chances of conceiving naturally, easily, and quickly

You want to know exactly when you ovulate and how to identify your fertile window

You want to know if your cycles are normal, and how to improve them naturally

You want to feel confident charting your cycles (even if they are "irregular"!)

You want to gain complete confidence charting your cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and cervical position

You want to discover what you can learn about your health and fertility from your charts

I'm here for you...

I'll be right there in your living room with you guiding you through the course step by step (virtually of course!) as you make your way through the 24 pre-recorded videos I've made for you!

It's like we're going out for coffee, except I'll do most of the talking as I guide you through the process of fertility awareness charting — step by step!

You'll discover countless tips, tricks, and strategies that make learning fertility awareness simple and straight forward.

You'll discover what works and what doesn't. The focus is on fitting fertility awareness into your life, not the other way around.

By taking this course, you gain access to the same information I teach my clients in my private practice for a fraction of the cost!

What's Included?

This program is the most comprehensive self-study fertility awareness course available. You'll gain confidence charting and interpreting your cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and cervical position. You'll learn how to use fertility awareness effectively for birth control, and optimize your chances of conceiving naturally.

Module 1: Fertility Awareness & Reproductive Anatomy Essentials

This module takes you through the reproductive anatomy essentials you should have been taught in junior high school! You'll learn how male and female fertility work, and understand the hormones that drive the menstrual cycle, leaving you with a much deeper understanding of  how your menstrual cycle works!

Video Lesson Breakdown:
  1. What is fertility awareness?
  2. How your fertility works
  3. How his fertility works
  4. The menstrual cycle

Module 2: Charting Your 3 Main Fertile Signs

This module features 7 videos outlining the nuances of checking for, and charting your 3 main fertile signs: cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and cervical position. Whether you're completely new to charting, or you have several years of charting under your belt, this course will help you to chart your fertile signs confidently and accurately.

Video Lesson Breakdown:
  1. Cervical Mucus
  2. How to check and chart your cervical mucus (3 videos!)
  3. How to check and chart your BBT (2 videos!)
  4. How to check and chart your cervical position

Module 3: The Sympto-Thermal Method

This module breaks down exactly what you need to know to successfully use fertility awareness for birth control, from identifying and managing your fertile window to the specific charting rules you must follow to get it right. This module also focuses on using fertility awareness for conception. Get the timing right every time, and learn how to optimize your chances of conception in the face of sperm quality issues.

Video Lesson Breakdown:
  1. The sympto-thermal method
  2. Using fertility awareness for birth control
  3. Managing your fertile window
  4. Using fertility awareness to conceive

Module 4: Healthy Cycles & Optimal Fertility

From defining what a normal menstrual cycle looks like, coming off the pill, and optimizing your menstrual cycles through dietary and lifestyle changes, to optimizing sperm and egg quality based on the latest scientific research, and assembling your healthcare team, this module will set you up to have healthy cycles and optimal fertility for the rest of your life.

Video Lesson Breakdown:
  1. What does a normal menstrual cycle look like?
  2. Coming off the pill (2 videos!)
  3. Lifestyle choices for healthy cycles (2 videos!)
  4. Improving sperm & egg quality
  5. Who's on your team?



"Working with Lisa is one of the best investments I have ever made, and I would (and do!) enthusiastically recommend her to any woman interested in gaining the kind of understanding that all women deserve to have about their body and health. "

~ Emily W

"Thank you so much Lisa! I cannot recommend you enough! You have so much knowledge and I can’t think of anyone better to help any woman looking for support in the fertility "

~ Cintia N

"Honestly, I feel that this class has changed my entire life. I’d recommend it to ANY woman, no matter what season you are in. Trying to conceive, avoiding pregnancy, coming off the pill, or just wanting more information about your own body. If you have a uterus, take this class!!"

~ Stacey W

"So many times, you speak with practitioners who rush through appointments and only focus on one aspect of the problem. Lisa takes a holistic approach. She CARES about her clients, and she helped me learn to advocate for myself. She gave me two things I was lacking: confidence, and hope. "

~ Maria Y

"I am so happy I found Lisa, and took the opportunity to learn more about my body and my health. I honestly feel that this is something that should be taught in health class at school. This knowledge is so empowering, I only wish FAM is something I would've learned as a teenager. Thanks Lisa!"

~ Karen G


I already have your book, The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility. How is the course different?

When you enroll in the Fertility Awareness Mastery online study program, you gain access to 24 video lessons (over 10 hours of course content!) providing you with a level of depth not possible in a book alone. You'll appreciate the visual aspect of this program with images, diagrams, demonstrations, and handouts to support you as you dive into the material. It's the next best thing to joining one of my live coaching programs — at a fraction of the cost. You'll find The Fifth Vital Sign an invaluable resource as a companion to the course, but the book alone certainly doesn't replace the course!

I'm super busy. Do you think I'll be able to fit this course into my crazy schedule?

Yes! One of the best parts of this course is that when you enroll, you gain lifetime access. Unlike my live coaching programs, there is no deadline or schedule. That gives you the freedom to go through the course materials at your own pace. There are certain videos I know you'll come back to several times (and I encourage you to do so at certain points in the program!). When you enroll in Fertility Awareness Mastery, you gain access to all 24 video lessons at once, leaving you with the option of consuming the course materials as quickly (or as gradually) as you want! Think of it as a choose your own adventure (for fertility awareness and optimal menstrual cycle health!).

I have never charted my cycles before, is this the right course for me?

This course will take you from a beginner to a confident charter (provided you go through the videos, and start charting to practice what you've learned!). From reproductive anatomy to the hormonal cycle, this course will give you a solid foundation of knowledge as you start your fertility awareness journey. The best part of having very little charting experience is that you have very few habits that could make the learning process more difficult for you. In many ways, novice charters have an easier time going through this course, because there are no habits that require "unlearning". You'll find that with this course, you'll feel much more confident in your charting within as little as 1-3 cycles of charting!

I've charted my cycles for over a year, will this course teach me anything new?

You may have the basics down, but you know there's more to it, and you're right! You are here because you still have questions. You have questions about cervical mucus charting, getting an accurate temperature (and interpreting it correctly), and your cervix is still somewhat of a mystery. You're ready to dive in with both feet and finally feel confident using fertility awareness. You've spent countless hours reading everything you can get your hands on, but you still feel unsure. The information I cover in this course comes from years of experience teaching fertility awareness to women just like you. Women who are fairly comfortable-ish with charting, but not quite there just yet. Each module of this course was crafted with you in mind, and addresses the most common questions I regularly have from women at a variety of stages in their fertility awareness journey.

Will I have support from you when I take this course or am I on my own?

This self-study course was intentionally designed to give you the freedom to go through the material at your own pace, but with that said, you'll have access to a private Facebook group to connect with other women who have enrolled in Fertility Awareness Mastery, and have your questions answered.

Do you provide a thermometer or other charting materials?

You'll gain access to paper charts you can print off and use, though most women opt to continue using their favourite charting app. A thermometer and other charting materials are not provided, however detailed instructions are provided throughout the course to help you get started charting your cycles!

What is your refund policy?

This course is intended for women who are serious about charting their cycles and ready to take this next step in their charting journey. When you enroll, you gain full access to all 24 videos right off the bat, as well as access to all associated course materials (paper charts, handouts, etc.) and the private Facebook group. As such, no refunds will be provided once you've purchased and accessed the course content. Consider tuning into the Fertility Friday Podcast (especially the reality series sessions), purchasing The Fifth Vital Sign, and downloading my FREE 3 part video series prior to purchasing the course to ensure my teaching style feels like a fit for you!


  • Expert guidance — packed with wisdom gleaned from nearly 20 years experience in the field, you'll benefit from so many nuggets not found in my book or anywhere else for that matter!
  • 24 video lessons — you'll love having access to over 10 hours of course content curated just for you!
  • Handouts — supplement the videos with topic specific handouts, and printable charts!
  • Fertility Awareness Mastery Facebook community — you’re not alone! Connect with other women who’ve enrolled in the class
  • Lifetime access — go at your own pace, and watch videos again and again whenever you like!
  • Bonuses — continued access to all course modifications and additional video lessons that are added in the future!


"I highly recommend Lisa and her program for anyone who wants to learn more about their fertility with someone who really knows their stuff, particularly if you're like me and want to learn something efficiently because you're busy. Thanks Lisa, it's a skill I'll be able to use for many years to come!"

~ Rebecca C

"I struggled to learn FAM on my own and gain the confidence needed to use the method for birth control. Even though I came into the class with several years of charting experience, I learned a tremendous amount. Thanks to the class, with the podcasts as a supplement, my confidence and knowledge in FAM has improved in leaps and bounds. Thanks Lisa for all you do to help women!"

~ Nina H


Fertility Awareness Mastery Online Self-Study Course

Take control of your fertility and your health. JOIN TODAY!

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Meet Lisa!


Lisa Hendrickson-Jack is a certified Fertility Awareness Educator and Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner who trains women’s health practitioners to use their menstrual cycle as a vital sign in their practices. She is the founder of the Fertility Awareness Mastery MentorshipTM program, and the author of three bestselling books The Fifth Vital Sign, the Fertility Awareness Mastery Charting Workbook, and her most recent book Real Food For Fertility, which she co-authored with Lily Nichols RDN.

Lisa works tirelessly to debunk the myth that regular ovulation is only important when you want children by recognizing the menstrual cycle as a vital sign. Drawing heavily from the current scientific literature, Lisa presents an evidence-based approach to help women connect to their fifth vital sign by uncovering the connection between the menstrual cycle, fertility, and overall health. 

Lisa's main message is this: You deserve better, and it all starts with understanding your body, your menstrual cycles, and your fertility!


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