Work With Me

If you’re a woman's health professional — and you’re not fully utilizing the menstrual cycle as a vital sign — it's time to change that right away!

Your menstrual cycle is not just about having babies! It's your fifth vital sign, and as such, it's always relaying essential health information back to you when you pay attention.

You may have found me through one of my bestselling books, The Fifth Vital Sign, Real Food for Fertility (co-authored with Lily Nichols), or the Fertility Awareness Mastery Charting Workbook, or through my podcast, Fertility Friday.

If you've read any of my books or tuned into any of my podcast episodes, you already know that I'm obsessed with supporting women to optimize their menstrual cycles and fertility with an emphasis on evidence-based protocols.

With thousands of citations to dig into, my books (and podcasts) share an enormous amount of research in a conversational and approachable way.

I founded the Fertility Awareness Mastery Mentorship™ that women's health professionals can elevate their practices and support their clients to the highest possible extent.

If that's you, I invite you to join me in changing the face of women's healthcare. 

If we wait for our education and healthcare systems to do this important work, I'm fairly certain we'll be waiting forever. It's up to us to make the changes we want to see in the world.



Fertility Awareness Mastery Mentorship Program

Fertility Awareness Mastery Mentorship Program

Are you a women's health professional looking for a way to incorporate fertility awareness cycle charting into your existing practice? If yes, you're in luck! The Fertility Awareness Mastery Mentorship Program is what you've been waiting for. Transform your practice in 9 months!  Click below to apply now.


Online Self-Study Course

Fertility Awareness Mastery Online Self-Study Course

You've been charting for awhile and you feel fairly confident, but you still have questions. You're not ready to invest in one-on-one coaching, but you know you need some support. You love learning on your own and putting the pieces together yourself, but you've already read all the books and you know there's more to this. You want one-on-one support without the one-on-one price tag! 


50% Complete

Two Step

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